Search Results

Results for "keyword: "attention""
A Voice at the Borders of Silence A rich and rewarding autobiography of this extraordinary man's spiritual journey.
Relax and De-Stress Soothing classical music to calm the body, mind, and soul
Hockney A well-done mapping of the life and work of David Hockney who has been called England's "National Treasure."
Move Closer A bridge to the satisfactions available in the art gallery.
Heartland An astonishing collection of black-and-white photographs celebrating the Plains of the United States.
Eyes of the Heart Insights and practices on photography as a Christian way of seeing.
On Pilgrimage A tribute to 25 sacred sites around the world, featuring writings of pilgrims from all eras and places.
Enso A fascinating collection of enso (Zen circles) with commentaries on these art works with calligraphy.
Praying with Icons An Orthodox explanation of icons as aids to prayer.
Art as Medicine A watershed work on new directions in caring for the soul.